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Re: Episode 4.12: Eloise - Grades & General Review

I noticed something I hadn't picked up on before in this episode. In the great scene where Paulie breaks into the home of the old woman to rob her, as they are struggling on the floor she says to him, "you were always a little bastard". With hindsight, of course, we now know that Paulie was indeed, illegitimate. On one, more obvious level, this is an in-joke by the writers for our benefit. But it could also be the case, I think, that the old dear ( can't think of her name ) really did know about Paulie and it wasn't just a generic term of abuse on her part. She was a life-long friend of Nucci's and I would venture there's not much these old girls didn't know about in the neighbourhood. She would certainly have known Paulie's aunt ( mother ) and about her going into the convent etc. Either way it's another great snatch of dialogue which may or may not have multiple meanings.

Re: Episode 4.12: Eloise - Grades & General Review

bloodshot wrote:This episode does has one of the most distracting scenes for me. Not sure who to blame the most for it: writers, director, Continuity director. One of the 1st things your taught as a young boy growing up is to never pee into the wind. I cannot imagine how soaked Furio and Tony would be peeing against the rear propeller of a Helicopter.
Tony, his spirits crushed after b-lining to the fridge first thing in the morning: "Who ate the last piece of cake?"

Re: Episode 4.12: Eloise - Grades & General Review

bloodshot wrote:This episode does has one of the most distracting scenes for me. Not sure who to blame the most for it: writers, director, Continuity director. One of the 1st things your taught as a young boy growing up is to never pee into the wind. I cannot imagine how soaked Furio and Tony would be peeing against the rear propeller of a Helicopter.
Maybe I'm remembering the scene incorrectly, but wasn't Tony facing away from the rear propeller of the helicopter? Doesn't Furio grab him by the shoulders and start pushing him backwards until Tony asks what the fuck he's doing? Then he turns around to see the rear prop once Furio explains that he was "too close". Again, I could be wrong.

Also, maybe it's just me, but the murder of Minn Matrone was one of the most satisfying in the entire series. I realize that it's supposed to be senseless and brutal, this mafia thug smothering an old woman with a pillow so he can steal her social security money, but to me it comes off as hilarious and comforting. She was nasty to Nucci for really no reason, and tried blaming the car accident on her as well, even though she probably shouldn't have been driving anymore. And the actress they had playing could you not feel bad for her? Usually I'm impervious to those types of characters, a lot of times they end up feeling forced, but Paulie's aunt/mother is an exception. Every scene with Paulie and Nucci feels heartbreaking for some reason, and they also somehow make you forget that Paulie is two steps shy of being fucking insane.
What violin?!

Re: Episode 4.12: Eloise - Grades & General Review

After watching this again, now I'm wondering if Tony had Furio killed...yes Furio supposedly walked into a real estate office and gave out his listing, but he just disappeared...without a trace, no nothing. Just seemed odd, and tony had no news from back in Italy about Furio's whereabouts. I am guessing he just split because he hates Tony now, and loves Carmella, but its possible.

Re: Episode 4.12: Eloise - Grades & General Review

Barryrock2 wrote:After watching this againe.
I love that HBO is airing the show five nights a week. This is probably my fourth or fifth watching the series in its entirety. Just can't turn away when it's on TV...

I don't think Tony had Furio whacked though. He seemed genuinely shocked that Furio up and left for Italy.

As for the pissing near the helicopter--which was very weird--it reminded me of a Neil Young lyric: "There ain't nothin' like a friend, who can tell you when you're just pissing in the wind."
"When my time comes, tell me, will I stand up?"

Re: Episode 4.12: Eloise - Grades & General Review

mutualdream wrote:I love that HBO is airing the show five nights a week. This is probably my fourth or fifth watching the series in its entirety. Just can't turn away when it's on TV...

I don't think Tony had Furio whacked though. He seemed genuinely shocked that Furio up and left for Italy.

As for the pissing near the helicopter--which was very weird--it reminded me of a Neil Young lyric: "There ain't nothin' like a friend, who can tell you when you're just pissing in the wind."
Also, in a later episode, the name of which escapes me at the moment, during a fight with Carmella in which Furio is brought up, Tony says something to the effect of " and if certain people in Italy see him (Furio) his life will be worth shit".....of course, Tony could be lying and could have already whacked Furio, but I don't think so.
Historically, that's been the case.
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