Junior's Safe!!!!

People are talking like if Junior is going to get whacked because he is losing his mind. That is just nonsense, remember when T, Chris and Paulie went to Napels when they went to see Don Vittorio, he had lost his mind. Remember what Paulie said, ?If you give this guy a golf club T, I think he will try to fuck it.? Junior will be there for show, he has connection and respect with the old school guys. And T has had his movements of insanity remember Isabella so Tony won?t have him whacked.

BTW The end of the ep when T asked Junior if he loves him was the best scene in the whole show.

</p>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub132.ezboard.com/bsopranolandf ... >raxzor</A> at: 3/24/04 2:48 pm


i wouldnt say that. No one ever found out the isabella thing. Tony has kept a tight lid on himself even though he has been in therapy. Junior on the other hand is looking for his long dead brother! He is saying things that are not very complimentary to the boss of the family. Not to mention that if the feds nabbed him on something that was brought to their attention by that bastard Curto, then there is no telling what he might inadvertanly say. Remember what happened last season with the mooley nurse at the office, birds chirping and atlantic city. Now that he is not complety sure of what hes saying tony may have to take matters into his own hands by putting the old dog down. This happened in the real mafia, I think the boss was head of the Genovese in the 50's? His mental condition wasnt up to par so he was put down. I could totally see Junior not making through the season.


Re: jun

I don't think that there is anyway Junior gets whacked. I really dont think Tony would let that happen. I do though see Junior passing away somehow from natural causes. In the TCA trailer isnt there a scene or two of Toney in a black suit at a funeral? We haven't seen a funeral yet so I am assuming someone has to die soon.


Re: jun

<blockquote>Quote:<hr> don't think that there is anyway Junior gets whacked. I really dont think Tony would let that happen.<hr></blockquote>

With all the turmoil which seems to be on the horizon for Tony and the Soprano family I don't think its entirely impossible for Junior to be whacked. Uncle Junior is the most vulnerable to a hit because he is always home and Tony can't prevent a hit he has no knowledge of. I'm sure if someone decides to make a move against the Soprano family they are not going to consult with Tony.<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/devil.gif ALT=":evil">


Re: jun

Now what is it with this "mooley nurse" business? I've seen not only my fair share of mob movies but also of Spike Lee movies, and I know for a fact that "mooley" (short for "mulignan" or "eggplant" in Italian, according to the HBO Mobspeak dictionary) is not a nice word to use to refer to African-Americans. Obviously the show is full of racist characters who talk this way all the time--they're mobsters, not the most politically correct type--but is it really necessary for the participants on this board to use racial slurs as well? I'm sure WiseGuyWill wouldn't like it if I referred to the characters on the show as "guineas", "wops" or "dagos". Furthermore, the use of such pejorative epithets only perpetuates the belief that deep within the soul of every working-class Italian-American--or any Italian-American, for that matter--lies a kneejerk xenophobe. I personally don't buy that.

Just a thought . . .


Re: jun

no way...if somebody DARES whack Uncle Junior --- Tony will bring hell's fury to whoever did it.

There is no reason "business wise" for somebody to whack uncle junior...its a stupid move, if your going to kill the head of the DiMeo family whack Tony not Junior.

Uncle Junior, if he were to die this season, he will die either by natural causes or by Tony's permission.


Re: jun

Killing Junior would be a smart move because it would send a message to all those within the Dimeo/Soprano family that not only is the Don of the family not untouchable but all those who do not fall in line can suffer the same fate. As far as Tony given permission to whack Uncle Junior I no longer see this as a possibility because at this point in time it would not benefit Tony in anyway. At times Uncle Junior may be a thorn in Tony's side but that is not enough to warrant killing Uncle Junior. Also what kind of message would it send to the other members of the family if Junior was killed over something so trivial.<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/devil.gif ALT=":evil">

</p>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub132.ezboard.com/bsopranolandf ... ncarlo>TWO GUNS GIANCARLO</A>
at: 3/26/04 9:57 am

Re: jun

i see what you mean,

but what i was getting at- is that uncle junior is a threat to nobody at this tragic stage of his life, and so killing him would only get tony soprano VERY angry and New Jersey (although they be fighting an uphill battle) would go to war....if they wanted to send a message they should whack Tony...that would do more than line up New Jersey.


Re: jun

<blockquote>Quote:<hr>if they wanted to send a message they should whack Tony...that would do more than line up New Jersey. <hr></blockquote>

Killing Tony may do more than line up New Jersey but if the New York family were to kill Uncle Junior and send a message to Tony, the New York family can then keep Tony in his current position while taking a greater percentage of profits from all the Soprano enterprises(bookmaking, construction, etc.). I think the size and strength of the New York family would force Tony to reassess his position and do whats necessary to not only stay alive but to also keep as much money as possible coming his way. It would not be totally impossible for the New York family to make overtures to someone within the Dimeo/Soprano family and have Tony eliminated by someone from within the family. Then after eliminating Tony whoever assumes his position would be in the New York families pocket, just a figurehead who ultimately answers to the New York family.<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/devil.gif ALT=":evil">

</p>Edited by: <A HREF=http://pub132.ezboard.com/bsopranolandf ... ncarlo>TWO GUNS GIANCARLO</A>
at: 3/26/04 10:10 am

What Now for Uncle Jun?

There is always the outside chance that Junior's condition can improve and be kept under control with medication. We don't know for sure if he has Alzheimer's.

Even if Junior's condition is permanent, there's really not much chance that he would be whacked.

However, if he is mentally unstable, he could become a danger to not only himself but to Tony and to other colleagues (either by giving away family secrets to rival mobsters or to the feds). Which means that Junior will have to be insulated from public contact at all times. And even if the feds get to him, at least this time he REALLY is incompetent and so his testimony won't hold up.

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