Re: Merry Christmas, Chase Lounge!

"If the boss of this family says "you're Santa Claus, then you're Santa Claus"!
I always say The Sopranos will cover almost all human occasions and there are many scenes around the holidays, including Tony with a Santa Claus hat on his head before inflicting a beating the limo driver...
Will 2009 be the first recent year without new Sopranos?
May you all enjoy a blessed 2009 with happiness and health...and a bottle of grappa to usher in the new year!
(and thanks for the reference to this new Coopola add-on to my list!)
Arrivederci amici!
biker 2
from frigid Ottawa Canada (near Harpo!)

Re: Merry Christmas, Chase Lounge!

FlyOnMelfisWall wrote:JLTucker, I asked for and got the Coppola restoration set too. Just watched some of the extras last night.
Did you notice any errors on the extras DVDs? The features on disc 4 in my set are the new features that are supposed to be on disc 5, according to the information on the back of the DVD case. The same goes for disc 5. The discs are mislabeled.

Re: Merry Christmas, Chase Lounge!

I didn't find time on Christmas Eve or day to drop in here, but the twelve days of Christmas are still ongoing (no matter that commercial interests have conditioned us to believe that Christmas "ends" on Christmas night :icon_wink:). So Merry Christmas (and merry whatever else you celebrate this time of year) to all in these parts.:icon_smile:
Tony, his spirits crushed after b-lining to the fridge first thing in the morning: "Who ate the last piece of cake?"
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