Re: Can you explain this a little?

I'm sorry EdaMaria, but I may not be much help to you here. I don't have any evidence what Tony is really thinking. All I can do is tell you how I would feel if I was Tony and hope that may help.

If I was Tony, I'd be absolutely fed up with Junior being behind these attempts on my life that I'd just want nothing more to do with him. I'd be happy by just turning off that portion of my brain that has any memory of Junior.

After all, I went through hell with my mother the first time trying to decide whether to forgive her or whether to kill her. It was a hugely draining experience.

So, I just have no more energy to waste on Junior and I'm perfectly happy to just give him no further consideration. I wish there was a pill I could take that would erase all traces of Junior from my mind. That would be perfect!


Re: Can you explain this a little?

EdaMaria, I'm feeling your pain as I cannot shake the Junior connection. I recently re-watched Seasons 1-3 (seem to love em even more after the abscence). In the early years, Tony and Junior has a somewhat odd if you will, relationship but they truly showed love for each other (in their own ways). I know it may sound strange given that Junior tried to have Tony whacked but I see it coming back around. Tony has to face that this time his Uncle himself shot him, did not have a hit on him, actually pulled the trigger. At least this is what I would have to think after his somewhat changed behavior, post NDE.

I'm in the 1/2 and 1/2 camp on Junior's dementia. At times, I literally think he is crazy like a fox but then others as loopy as ever. Who knows but Chase and Co??


Re: Can you explain this a little?

My take on Junior's gift to the orderly, while telling him that "one hand washes the other" is this: Junior may be bribing the orderly to help him escape, or he may be setting the groundwork for the orderly to be a favorable witness for him in a future competency hearing. If the orderly testifies that Junior is still nuts, then he won't have to go to trial.


Re: Can you explain this a little?

I honestly believe that Jr. did not mean to shoot Tony. He has a series case of dementia, just like Livia devolped in the series. Livia's was caused because she wanted Tony whacked for putting her in a nursing home, so some of it was fake, but most of it was real.

Jr. probably really thought that Pu$$y Melanga was downstairs because thats how crazy he has become. This scene in the finale really proved that too. He hrefers to Karen, much like Livia referred to Artie's dead mom, as if they were still alive. As for Jr. not acting alone, I belive that he was referring to Livia in season 1, there was noone who wanted Tony whacked at the point of episode 1 of this past season.

As for the Kennedy issue, Jr. tends to bring him up when he is faking his dementia, like when the FBI was testing him. So perhaps this was Chase's way to clue us in on Jr.'s real intentions.


Re: Junior: 'Manus manum lavat ...'

I find this discussion fascinating.

For the record, I love Junior. Seemed like the writers always gave him the funniest lines through the years. ("I see young cooz and birds start chripin'").

I keep thinking that Junior is faking it, but we don't have much evidence of it. What I keep wondering is what good the character serves if he truly has dementia -- that old age sucks? We knew that. There must be some purpose to all this -- maybe he's the living example of what Carm discovered in Paris, that in the end, it's all nothing.

In any event, didn't Melfi have a session with her shrink in which he asked if Tony had come to grips with the shooting? I assumed he meant, either broke down in tears or became enraged? It seemed like the shrink indicated that he would eventually blow. I may have this wrong. If somebody remembers, I'd like a refresher. Thanks.


Re: Junior: 'Manus manum lavat ...'

This thread is interesting. My favorite Jr. line through the series remains...."He's just one c%#t hair away from being boss of the whole NY family, and I'm that c#$t hair".

I like the references back to JFK. Remember when T was shot and the officer was asking her something about JFK and she told them Tony was 3yrs old at the time....

Also, Lincoln on TV...another assassinated prez....interesting. No idea what it means. The shot to the stomach and Ruby link was classic.

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