Could Carm ever "flip"?

You know guys, it sounds prepostrous, but I've seen some things building this season, and especially last night, and I wonder if this is possible.

The main things, you'll remember in the very first episode of the season how Carm had the dream about Ade, then told Tony about, and she pressed a bit on how whe found it wierd that Ade just up and left with no one hearing a word from her.

Then last week, when she runs into Ms. LeCerva, and she brings the issue of Ade up again...and cleary she suspects something.
She let the issue drop for now, but she clearly suspects something.

Now with that said, consider this:

Tony is keeping her in the dark about AJ trying to kill Junior "Your mother must never find out about this."

And now I think Tony's playing a dangerous game re: the spec house.

He's told carm that Sil went to lean on the guy...what if Carm were to find out about that from Gab or something?
If she finds out the truth about Ade? If she finds out about AJ?

How betrayed would she feel after the way she stood by Tony when he was shot?

I know it sounds ridiculous to think carm could flip, but hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and Tony seems to have quite the powder keg ready to explode with Carm.


</p>Edited by: <A HREF= ... lounge>The Mick</A> at: 5/15/06 2:58 pm

Re: Could Carm ever "flip"?

I suppose anything is a possibility, even the potential of Carmella "flipping", but I have serious doubts about it. First, she "knows" who that guy (Tony) is (as she told Melfi) and what he is all about. She knows that he is a criminal, even though she may seek to temper that knowledge with a little bit of self-deluded moral relativism (there are bigger crooks in the world than my husband).

Second, she is an old school mob wife. She knows that she should not ask questions about Tony's "business". Even if Carmella were to find out the truth about Adrianna, she would understand that Ade's death was "business". How many times in the past has Carmella shrugged off the "disappearance" of "family" members into the "witness protection program" when they were discovered to be rats? The truth about Ade would not, IMHO, be enough for Carmella to flip.

Neither would keeping the truth about A.J.'s attempt to kill Uncle Junior, nor Tony's lying to her about his efforts to help her spec house move forward. Others have previously posted (correctly in my mind) that keeping A.J.'s traveshamockery of an attempted hit from Carm was to keep her from worrying.

As for Tony lying to her about his efforts vis-a-vis the spec house, she might get furious with him, but again I don't see it as an event that would propel her to the feds. Would she want her husband to go to jail, lose his income and end up like Ginny Sac (losing the one house she does have)? Having Tony in jail for a very long time will have negative financial repercussions for Carmella that are far worse than having to live with the knowledge that he lied to her about the spec house.


Re: Could Carm ever "flip"?

I agree 100% with everything that you said.

All of the things we've seen to date, would not be enough to ever have her do that, hell we saw how devoted she was earlier this season.

But I can't help but think that Chase is setting us up for something big between Carm and Tony.

I'm wondering if there's going to be one big incident that will cause this all to explode.
God forbid something happens to Meadow (less likely) or AJ (more likely) that is the match that ignites all this other stuff.

I trully hope not, because like you, I find Carm to be very at ease as a "mob wife."

Earlier in the year, when Carm talked to Melfi, and Melfi asked her if she was afraid Tony might not recover, or afraid that he would...the look on Carms face.

Then as she talked about the kids, and the fact that while she chose to go ahead with Tony despite (or because of) who he was, the kids couldn't choose their parents.

So many things seem to be there under the surface with Carm...I just wonder if its all gonna surface at some point.


Re: Could Carm ever "flip"?

Carm has nothing to "flip" with. Other than a general awareness that her husband is a criminal, she has no "knowledge" of any details of any crime. That's WHY Tony keeps his business from her: not so much to prevent her from becoming an accessory, as to prevent one more person from ever being in a position to testify against him. Even if Carm wanted to flip, she'd have nothing to offer.


Re: Could Carm ever "flip"?

If Carm were to flip, she would be destroying herself in the process. If tax evasion was the rap, spouses are liable as well, although they would have to give immunity.

Seeing how Ginny Sac has been reduced to losing her house and unable to maintain a lifestyle, I doubt Carm would go that route. Like Christopher and Vito, she will look at normal people scraping to make a living and decide that is not the life for me.

I agree that she just does not have the inside information on the killings, the money or the other mob dealings, so why would the Feds jump through hoops to turn her?


Re: Could Carm ever "flip"?

Even on a tax-matter, Carm only knows that Tony gives her money and had money stashed in the birdfood container. She once helped get money from the attic and dump it into a bag. Otherwise, she knows nothing, nothing that would stand up in a courtroom. Capone was nabbed because of ledgers. Carm has no access to such "evidence." Even the downpayment on the spec-house could be "explained" by a good defense attorney. Carm's useless as a prosecution witness.


Re: Could Carm ever "flip"?


Posts: 24
Posted: 5/16/06 5:21 am
Re: Could Carm ever "flip"?
Even on a tax-matter, Carm only knows that Tony gives her money and had money stashed in the birdfood container. She once helped get money from the attic and dump it into a bag. Otherwise, she knows nothing, nothing that would stand up in a courtroom. Capone was nabbed because of ledgers. Carm has no access to such "evidence." Even the downpayment on the spec-house could be "explained" by a good defense attorney. Carm's useless as a prosecution witness.

I disagree. When she was talking to her attorney about the divorce she stated that their tax returns were only a small part of their income. "That's just the tip of the iceberg.
My husband is involved with several 'cash businesses'."

The attorney responded by saying they could enlist a "forensic accountant" who could pretty accurately determine the actual income. If a divorce attorney could do this, imagine what the FBI could accomplish with a little help from Carmella. Tax evasion/mail fraud. For starters.

Carm is well aware of his illegal gambling activities as well. She has plenty to offer if she were to choose to go into witness protection.

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