Re: The confrontation between AJ and Tony


Posted by jeff41954
Posted: 5/1/06 10:57 am
Re: Change AJs name to FJ

...for Fredo Junior. What a total embarrassment.

When Tony told AJ that he may have had his heart in the right place, he reminded me of Michael Corleone telling Tom that Fredo "has a good heart, but he is weak and stupid and this is life and death."

Tony seemed to be pleading with AJ not to turn to OC for a career. "You're a nice guy....that's a good thing." (in so many words.) In other words, you don't have the right stuff for this life.

- - - - - - - -

Posted by blastlane
Posted: 5/1/06 11:10 am
Re: waste

in my opinion the aj story line is totally trashed, what a loser, what a waste of screen time.


Re: The confrontation between AJ and Tony

Lots of great posts here. I particularly agree with rugbyjake:

<blockquote>Quote:<hr>AJ has "struck out" at the one thing he thought he might always have going for him; namely, the possibility of following in his father's footsteps. . . .

Tony's journey to his true self is poignantly made very real to him in this dealing with AJ. If he genuinely wants what's "good" for his son, he's going to have to name what's "bad." Thus we see him declaring going after Junior as the wrong thing to do.

I think this encounter, in tandem with the scene of avoided adultery, undeniably point the series in a particular direction now. Tony is in communication, for the first time, with his conscience--<hr></blockquote>

Absolutely. And I think this lends credence to something I was debating back after Mayham, that Tony was presented two options at the Inn, symbolized in whether or not he would turn loose of Finnerty's briefcase: (1) die as Tony Soprano, a man who lives with a steel vault around his conscience so that only the most disguised, slippery flares percolate up in the form depression and panic attacks; or (2) live as Kevin Finnerty, a man who will accept service of a lawsuit from his conscience (the monks) and will therefore litigate within himself and finally be forced to accept responsibility for his own immorality. By holding on to the briefcase, Tony made his choice to go with number 2. We are seeing the gradual progression of that "lawsuit" of conscience.


Re: The confrontation between AJ and Tony

<hr />AJ's taking the knife to Junior's institution was an example of him "decompensating". Everyone needs some sense of identity. But put yourself in AJ's place. He's been seaching for his identity. Who is he?

Everywhere he turns, he finds his identity seems to be Tony's son. People are only interested in him as a route to his father.

Then Tony makes it clear that he is not welcome in his father's world. I think it's just too much for him to handle and he reacts by trying some desperate act to prove that he has some identity apart from his father.

When that kid asks him to have someone visit his landlord and lean on them to get his money back, what is poor AJ to do? He knows that he can't do it and that his father won't help him. He was at the end of his rope. But now he's gone past that into "decompensation" mode.

His act of attempted knifing on Junior is born of desperation. He's lost his sense of self but he has to be someone. So what is the poor kid to do?

</p>Edited by: <A HREF= ... plishak</A> at: 5/1/06 1:55 pm

Re: The confrontation between AJ and Tony

AJ is making many discoveries. First is a common one - he thought he was rich. Now he's starting to realize that his DAD is rich, not him. Oh no!

Second is that at this point in time his only identity is as Tony Soprano's son. If he could really talk to his dad they could discuss how Tony was once in the shadow of Johnny Boy Sporano, but they don't have that kind of relationship. That is going to get AJ killed. I can't see this ending any way but in a Jackie Jr. manner.


Re: The confrontation between AJ and Tony

love that this scene took place by the rear wheel on the passenger side. As far as I can remember, this is where they were the last time Tony really looked at AJ and talked to him in a 'moment of truth' manner. (early in the series when they change the tire and Tony confronts AJ about what he knows or thinks he knows about Tony's job)

as others have expressed, I'm curious whether this is a 'full circle' moment for the show or the start of a downward (or even maybe upward?) spiral for AJ.

I really wish Tony or Carmela would see AJ pass out from a panic attack so they could get him to a doctor. All the sleeping, self-medicating, etc., he's definitely depressed. We've seen Meadow talk to a shrink, I want to hear some AJ sessions.

And man was it painful to hear Tony yell at AJ not to cry.

And while this wasn't my initial reaction, in retrospect I think Tony's 'it's a movie' remark was overly dismissive. He's made AJ part of this double life that would be difficult for any child, let only an only son, to grasp. I found AJ's logic and lack of planning regarding Junior (and even the fact he was capable of killing Junior) appalling. But I don't think the Godfather comment is merely more evidence of how 'stupid' AJ is ....

it's true that Tony is a hypocrite. how is AJ supposed to tell real life from a movie when the whole world is kissing his ass because his dad is such a mean, tough, powerful guy? Tony's inability to come clean with his son is at least partly to blame here. And Tony knows this - it's been plaguing him for the entire series.


Re: The confrontation between AJ and Tony

I'm still not sure I understand what was going on when AJ was dry heaving after his confrontation with his Dad. Tony just looked disgusted and told him to get in the car and then walked away. Was AJ so upset that he became sick to his stomach? If so, Tony sure didn't seem concerned. Perhaps he just became fed up with what he considers AJ's weakness - first his crying and then his throwing up.

I was so angry when Tony demanded AJ stop crying. If anyone needs a good cry, it's those two.


Re: The confrontation between AJ and Tony

<blockquote>Quote:<hr>love that this scene took place by the rear wheel on the passenger side. As far as I can remember, this is where they were the last time Tony really looked at AJ and talked to him in a 'moment of truth' manner. (early in the series when they change the tire and Tony confronts AJ about what he knows or thinks he knows about Tony's job)<hr></blockquote>

yes you're right of course except (and this is probably a moot point) that was a different car, the one Tony flipped onto it's roof with Adriana when swerving to avoid the animal in the rd.

As for AJ's retching, didnt he say he felt sick as they left the police station? I took this as a physical reflection of his fear of his father, firstly. Secondly when he realised his father, far from thanking him, was disappointed by what he got busted for, he became ashamed of his own actions and that he had not done what was wanted/messed it up big time.

I thought when Tony saw this "puking", he wasnt necessarily disgusted, but just thought "OK, enough's enough, let's get out of here". I think he is still angry at this point which is why he's short with AJ rather than being sympathetic to his son's condition - but not disgusted with the "puking" itself. After all, this is a reflection of the fact that what AJ did is not in his nature/because he's a "good boy", he couldnt stomach it. Tony could hardly be angry with him about that, i wouldnt think.


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