Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm

The yelling from the bedroom was one of those scenes that I bless the day I purchased a DVR. I must of replayed that 4 times. The hot towel had me shaking my head, especially since it was pulled from a Seinfeld episode. I find it hard to belive that someone with David's background would let it slide without recognizing the connection to his past endeavours. Thinking the audience will let it slide so he can work it into another storyline is taking a chance.

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm

bloodshot wrote:The yelling from the bedroom was one of those scenes that I bless the day I purchased a DVR. I must of replayed that 4 times. The hot towel had me shaking my head, especially since it was pulled from a Seinfeld episode. I find it hard to belive that someone with David's background would let it slide without recognizing the connection to his past endeavours. Thinking the audience will let it slide so he can work it into another storyline is taking a chance.
Especially since there is such a carryover from Senifeld to CYE; similar to how fans from Sopranos followed Weiner to Mad Men.

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Yeah, the yelling at Sammy had me in stitches. Hilarious. I'll admit, some of the other comedy seems forced at times but considering it's still better than most of the comedy on TV, I'll take it. I also tend to let it slide knowing that the situations in CYE are not supposed to be reality so much as a heightened reality much like Seinfeld was in finding fault, issue or something else in every little situation.

And it's funny you mention that, Garth - much like I didn't follow Weiner to Mad Men, I did not follow Larry David over from Seinfeld immediately. It took me a few seasons before I really enjoyed it (though for many of the same reasons which makes me a boob for not picking it up sooner. :icon_rolleyes: )
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Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm

Not having watched CYE with any consistancy till this season, I'm not sure how often one watches the show and associates current show themes with past Seinfeld episodes. For the 2nd time this season I've found myself doing it again with this weeks handicap focus. I'm curious if this is a cry for new ideas or if he occasionally followed up on the Seinfeld themes to develop them further. I liked the episode, but 6 or 7 seasons of this wouldn't seem to hold up.

Funny though, you can always find that Sopranos connection. It was in the Seinfeld wheelchair episode that the veteran character actor who played Junior's lawyer Mel, utter one of televisions outragous lines, "it almost makes you wish you were handicapped." Of course, he was trying to hard sell a option loaded wheelchair to Kramer and George for those who missed it.

Re: Curb Your Enthusiasm

For yet another Seinfeld connection, I am fairly certain that the actress that played Denise "Handicap" (only Larry David :icon_wink:) was also on Seinfeld as the chef who wanted Elaine's shoes during the Pilot episode with Bob Balaban.

In previous seasons, the Seinfeld connection has not been as large (though "Bookman" as Dr was in previous seasons, IIRC.) I tend to think perhaps some of it may be purposeful to complete the Seinfeld connection. It would not surprise me, however, to find LD falling back on tried and true tropes from past success. It's a nonsensical show, to me. The hilarity is in the absurdity.
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