Re: Happy birthday FlyOnMelfisWall!

Thanks also, DH and Garth. Very low-key day. There will be an "official" family observance at my brother's house on Sunday, combined with a July 4th get together. I'm not sure what will be the bigger hazard: the fireworks in town or the number of candles on my cake.:icon_mrgreen:
Tony, his spirits crushed after b-lining to the fridge first thing in the morning: "Who ate the last piece of cake?"

Re: Happy birthday FlyOnMelfisWall!

Thanks to all you guys for the well wishes. Went to my sister's house for dinner, and my brother and his family came over later for cake. So it was nice.

Jouster, nice tie-in to the show. You'll be happy to know I didn't play any Monopoly, and there were positively no onion rings in sight!
Tony, his spirits crushed after b-lining to the fridge first thing in the morning: "Who ate the last piece of cake?"
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