Rusty or Phil?

Who Would you say is Johnny Sack's biggest problem Rusty or Phil?

even though the hit is out on Rusty........

I think right now it is Phil because of what happened @ the wedding.......i really think he is screwed either way....Phil is getting a lot of respect for the job he is doing while Johnny is away...


Re: Rusty or Phil?

Tony's best bet: Go to Johnny (or have one of his guys do it) and tell Johnny that Phil has designs on him.

That would a) remove the Phil problem from Tony's life, b) put John in a position of owing Tony, instead of this perpetual vice-versa that we've been seeing since the end of Season 5.



rusty may get gone, but i bet he takes some with him (he was carmine's top hitman, right?) and may even reuite w/carmine jr to make a run at sacs at the same time phil does, it could be a three way title fight!

and i bet tony goes w/carmine jr and rusty...

but phil will be a perpetual nemesis until show ends,
when i bet tony gets him...


Re: rusty

Well if they are gonna whack one then whack Rusty. Phil is way more of an interesting character and I just like the guy. Maybe because he is Goodfellas alumni and those Goodfellas alumnia are good people. <img src= ALT=":hat"> Rusty just kind of bores me to tears. I thought he was being a dick last season when he didnt laugh at Tony B's impression of Jackie Gleason or whoever he was doing.

Phil has had some great lines since joining the show.......<img src= ALT=":rollin">

"I'm not ashamed to say this but, my estimation of John Saccromoni as a man, has just f ucking plummeted...even Ciderella didn't cry"

Benny: "Im on my way to the hospital"

Phil: "Well thats up to you"

"Who do you think is keeping Ginny in butter brickle?"

My favorite:
Phil: We're friends of your sons. We're from Alcoholics Anonymous.

Chris' Mom: What's your names?

Phil: Well, we're anonymous.

Still waiting for him to say.......
"Now go home and get your f'king shinebox."

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