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Boardwalk Empire series finale

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 5:00 pm
by Billyv
Boardwalk Empire's series finale airs for the first time on Sunday October 26, 2014.
Lead character Nucky Thompson - brilliantly portrayed by Steve Buscemi - may have one last chance to do something positive after his descent into criminality, accumulating power and wealth, at the expense of family, friends, conscience and virtue. Now, while becoming aware and somewhat regretful of the path his life took, he's lost his Empire to rivals. Will he find some comfort in spiritual redemption or have an assassin's bullet seal his Fate?

***Spoiler Alert*** 😉 Tommy Darmody is revealed as the man in the members' only jacket!

Re: Boardwalk Empire series finale

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:12 pm
by conkom
Hi Billyv.

Excellent season. It's a shame it's shortened as the flashbacks could have made for an extended storyline. I definitely rate BE with the Sopranos. Looking forward to the finale.

Re: Boardwalk Empire series finale

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:02 am
by conkom
Billyv wrote: ***Spoiler Alert*** �� Tommy Darmody is revealed as the man in the members' only jacket!
That spoiler might be worth more than just a wink. Perhaps the ending has more in common with that other finale than you might care to think.

Another brilliant show comes to a satisfying end.

Vale Nucky Thompson. Vale Boardwalk Empire.

Re: Boardwalk Empire series finale

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 10:11 am
by Billyv
A solid ending to a tremendously underappeciayed series.
Those who didn't stick around to absorb the whole surely missed out.

Superb actors creating engaging characters. Wish they had more scenes.

I would have prefered a final scene with Nucky walking off the Boardwalk to the shore, haunted, intercut with the flashbacks to him between the Commodore and young Gillian, and then transitioning into the opening theme and credits sequence which had begun every episode but was omitted in the finale

Re: Boardwalk Empire series finale

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 3:32 pm
by Billyv
conkom wrote:
Excellent season. It's a shame it's shortened as the flashbacks could have made for an extended storyline. I definitely rate BE with the Sopranos. Looking forward to the finale.
I agree that the season should have been the usual length. They abandoned the storyline of Will's possible involvement in Nuckys empire from season 4, among other things too quickly passed over in the 7 year jump.
I may have preferred another season - maybe another abridged season preceding this to cover the time period in between. Some developments and dealings leading up to Rothsteins death; perhaps something else where Nucky decides to cash in on the Mickey Doyle life insurance policy...(although by the finale I hoped Mickey would survive); more of Chalky...

Re: Boardwalk Empire series finale

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 4:52 pm
by Ooof Marone
conkom wrote:Hi Billyv.

Excellent season. It's a shame it's shortened as the flashbacks could have made for an extended storyline. I definitely rate BE with the Sopranos. Looking forward to the finale.

BE was good, it peaked early and never regained it's quality after the second season. The show was spread too thin in my opinion but the series finale was great.

That being said, everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I don't know you watch the Sopranos and then watch Boardwalk Empire and thing the latter rates with the former.